This page is about the Kô'rãni'Ké language.
this is the alphabet used, aswell as some other symbols
words : meaning
- túkô: big
- rãni: eye (also the current name for the species)
- pãni: face
- pãnô: mouth
- rɔrãni: proto-eye (unique feature of rãnis, one major eye and two minor eyes)
- kô [NAME] ké: "said by [NAME]" (also means "what [NAME] says")
- kãréti: act or action
- ãtôrãti: protect
- bôréti: attack
- rãnéti: look or looking
- ãpô: equal
- ité: me or I
- nã: in or inside
- nôvé: moon
- kivã: time
- nébi: sea
- évô: towards or at
- rãnô: life
- rãvi: death
- sivô: plant
- nôrã: round or smooth
- ɔtú: dead
- rãtú: mind
- rãkã: transform or transformation
- rãré: defy
- rãsi: restart
- sikãréti: act of nature
- ri: correct
- sisi: greetings or hello
- kônô: after
- néri: water
- rɔ: wrong
- nérisi: rain
- tɔnô: not or negation
- tônéré: dry
- kôni: up
- tôkôni: down
- tôkônô: before
- nôpi: equip or equipment
- ritévô: wander or wanderer
- rɔkô: small
- rɔnité: they (singular)
- sini: sorry
- rɔnitévô: they (plural)
- ãtôsi: nut or something with a hard shell
- ãpôrãti: settlement or country, village, outpost
- vôsi: machine
- nãrã: black
- vôsiréti: mechanist or mechanic (in the profession)
- rãténi: book or any type of equipment that can be written on
- rãtéri: ink
- itéti: I am
- pi: are
- bônô: sharp
- vi: like (to enjoy)
- pãvi: talk or communicate in general
- rɔpãvi: whisper
This means "hello! i am Karini"!
Here it is in Ôtúrãni:
as of now, & is used in ôtúrãni instead of ɔ because that symbol does not exist in most keyboards